I started to write a book many years ago on the Monitors Engine operation and construction. This work is still ongoing to this day and hopefully will be published in the very near future. My research of over 20 years involved compiling many bits of historical and written information and deciphering the remaining drawings of the engine which were published not full-size, but in small almost undecipherable text book form. There were no general dimensioned drawings that existed or were generally available at that time. Careful compiling and comparing the data along with hours of using pocket comparators resulted in drawings which I used to build my model. My original research took many years to determine accurately the sizes of the various components used in the engine. Also my original drawings of 20 years ago were at full size and then reduced to produce a miniature replica of the engine. In continuing my work in writing a book on the engines’ operation, it was realized that I needed to reproduce these images and dimensions in a current and comprehensive drawing format. It took three years but I finished drawing all the parts and components used in this magnificent piece of engineering and can now return to completing the book on the engines operation which is yet to be published.
Some of the original Ericsson drawings are now being made available and may be found on the New Jersey Digital Highway website which deals with artifacts located within the state of New Jersey. These approximately 19 prints are displayed for public information. I wish these web views were available 20 years ago as it would have saved me a substantial amount of time. Fair warning however, they are hard to read, they lack dimensions, and some inaccuracy exists.
I produced a book with 309 pages in 11 x 17 format. Only four hard copies were made and two of these were donated to the Mariners Museum in Newport News Virginia.
The Museum is currently the residence of the engine of the Monitor which was recovered from Cape Natters the Atlantic Ocean in 2001.
It is currently under restoration, and these efforts should be enhanced with the detailed information in these donated books. The books were presented to the Museum during a public lecture I gave on the design and construction of the Monitor’s Steam Engine.
Two samples of these drawings are displayed here and here.